Sunday, November 14, 2010

Forever Arctic Sea (Omega 3)


Fish Oil, Olive Oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water, Vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol)



60 softgel capsules


Deep sea coldwater fishes such as salmon are naturally rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which are crucial for our good health. These fatty acids cannot be synthesized by our body, but are needed by our body for building the membrane of our cells and also for the production of certain hormones. DHA, one of the Omega-3 fatty acids, is an essential component of the eyes, the brain and the nervous system. FOREVER Artic-Sea combines the Omega-9 oleic acid in olive oil to provide you a balance of healthy fats. To ensure maximum freshness and efficacy, vitamin E is also added as an antioxidant to prevent the oils from being oxidized.

- Helps in promoting healthy hearts.
- Helps improve blood circulation.
- Helps in the maintenance of healthy skin.
- Helps to lower lipids level in blood and increases the HDL (good cholesterol) level,.
- Helps in boosting the body’s immune system.
- Helps in alleviating inflammatory conditions.
- Helps in the development and the functioning of the brain, the eyes and the nervous system.

Omega-3: The Good Fat That Provides Numerous Potential Health Benefits
Omega-3 was first discovered by researchers studying on Inuit Eskimos who consume plenty of ‘oily’ cold water fish, but have recorded extremely low incidences of heart diseases. Coldwater fish oil that is naturally rich in Omega-3 has now become a widely consumed supplement in the diet of both children and adult.


Potential Health Benefits of Omega-3
Scientific interest in Omega-3 first sparked off in the early 1970s, encouraged by the discovery that the Eskimos who eat a lot of fatty fish, have extremely low rate of heart attacks compared with the population of other parts of the world, Since then, various researches have been done to study the possible beneficial effects that Omnega-3 fatty acids have on human health. To date, the numbers of scientific research papers that have been published in internationally recognized medical journals alone have exceeded several thousands. Many of those studies have shown very encouraging results, which suggest that various potential health benefits may be obtained from the consumption of Omega-3.

In the USA, recommendations for consuming Omega-3 fatty acids have come from the American Heart Association, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the National Cholesterol Education Program and the Nutritional Committee of American Association.

Omega-3 may help to lower the risk of underweight babies?
Ina study by researchers from the University of Bristol, it was concluded that regular consumption of fish by pregnant mothers, particularly in the third trimester of pregnancy, may help to speed up foetal growth and underweight baby. The researchers believe tha the speedy growth is due to the Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish.

Omega-3 may help enhance learning abilities and IQ?
Omega-3 fatty acids are used in the brain for sending messages. Babies breastfed with high Omega-3 fatty acids content are more intelligent than bottle fed babies who are deprived of these fatty acids. In fact, 60% of the lipids in the brain are Omega-3 fatty acids.

A study by researchers at Purdue University covering 100 boys between the ages of 6 and 12 showed that those who had higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids also had fewer learning problems.

In another published study, it was concluded that maternal intake of Omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and lactation may be favourable for later mental development of children. In the randomized double-blinded study involving 590 pregnant women at the beginning of the study, it was found that the children born to the group of mothers who were given DHA supplements during pregnancy and lactation scored higher on mental processing tests, as compared with the children of the group of mothers who were not mental processing scores at the age of 4 were found to correlate significantly with maternal intake of Omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy.

In yet another study in Britain, researchers found that patients of dyslexia showed marked improvement after they were given 480mg of DHA daily for about a month. Dyslexia is a recognize written words, and causes difficulty in learning to read, write and spell.

There is also evidence to suggest that Omega-3 may help to enhance mental activity in adults as measured by rate of transmission of a certain type of brain wave known as p300, which is associated with learning and memory. In a test involving 26 adult individuals, those who were given DHA supplements showed significant improvement in their p300 transmission rate, compared with their earlier score before taking the supplements.

Omega-3 may help to provide relief for asthma sufferers?

When an asthma sufferer experiences an attack, the person’s immune system will automatically increase the production of an inflammatory substance known as LTB4.

Omega-3 fatty acids have not only been found to cause the body to produce less LTB4, they also cause the production of another competing substance, LTB5 to be increased, which results in a less severe asthma attack.

Omega-3 may be helpful in alleviating skin disorder?
In a German study, it was found that all twenty patients suffering from skin disorders who were given Omega-3 showed good improvement in their condition within just a week of experiment!

Omega-3 may help to reduce the risk of breast cancer?
This was one of the findings of a 10-year long health study conducted on Chinese Singaporeans by National University of Singapore in collaboration with University of Southern California. In the study, which began in 1993 covering over 60,000 individual, researchers found that those who consumed fish regularly has a lower incidence of breast cancer, which the researchers believed was probably due to the protective effects of Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish the subjects consumed.

In another study, it was found that patients diagnosed with breast cancer have lower concentrations of Omega-3 in their breast tissues compared with women without the cancer.

Omega-3 may help overcome depression and mood disorders?
In a Harvard study conducted on a group of patients hospitalized for depression, it was found that the patients who were given a diet rich in Omega-3 showed good improvement while the control group that was not given Omega-3 continued to feel depressed!

Omega-3 may help to provide relief for inflammatory bowel diseases?
Several studies have demonstrated that Omega-3 may help to reduce the symptoms of inflammatory ulcers along the digestive gut such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. In one double-blind study involving 78 patients suffering from Crohn’s disease, it was noted that the percentage of patients who remained symptom-free increased from 33% to 75% after ehey started taking 3 grams of Omega-3 per day.

In another study involving patients with ulcerative colitis, 72% of the patients given the fish oil supplementation could reduce or eliminate their dependence on anti-inflammatory medications due to their improved condition.

Omega-3 may help reduce the risk of heart attacks by making arteries more elastic?
Omega-3 fatty acids are generally associated with cardiovascular wellness, having been found to provide protection in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They help lower lipids level and increase the level of good HDL cholesterol. They also help improve blood circulation by thinning blood.

In a research conducted by the Baker Medical Research Institute in Australia. It was found that human subjects who were given Omega-3 showed substantial improvement in arterial elasticity by as much as 30% after a test period of 7 weeks. The researchers concluded that improved elasticity will allow the arteries to expand and contact more easily, hence reducing the incidence of blockages, which cause heart attacks.
Besides that Omega-3 is also found to cause a reduction in the production of thromboxane A2, a platelet aggregating substance that promotes clotting and blood vessel constriction. This action further helps to reduce the incidence of blockages.

Omega-3 may help to regulate heartbeat?
Several studies have shown that consumption of Omega-3 may be useful in helping to prevent irregular heartbeats, which can be dangerous for patients with coronary heart disease as sustained irregular heart rhythms can result in sudden cardiac death.

In a study published by researchers from Harvard University, it was demonstrated that the Omega-3 fatty acids stored in the membranes of heart cells can act to block excessive sodium and calcium currents in the hart, which cause the erratic changes in heart rhythm.

In another study entailing a cross-sectional analysis of about 10,000 men aged between 50 to 59 years old, who were segregated into 4 categories according to their frequency of fish consumption, it was noted that those who ate fish more regularly had lower heart rates compared with those who ate fish less regularly. The triglycerides level, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were also lower while the HDL cholesterol levels were higher in the more-regular fish consumers compared with the less-regular fish consumers. As heart rate is positively associated with the risk of sudden cardiac death, the results of this study is consistent with the observation of lower sudden cardiac deaths among fish consumers.

Omega-3 may help to reduce morning stiffness and joint pains?
This was the finding of several human studies on the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis, whereby it was consistently shown that the incidence of morning stiffness and joint pains experienced by the study subjects reduced after several months of consumption of high doses of fish oil. Researchers believe that this beneficial effect is due to the action of Omega-3 in suppressing the production of certain enzymes that damage cartilage; and cytokines, which causes inflammation.

Omega-3 may help reduce your chance of becoming senile in old age?
In a Dutch study on 51 elderly people, it was found that the study subjects who took fish frequently were less likely to develop senile dementia. In a subsequent study by Ernst Schaefer from Tufts University involving over 1,000 healthy elderly persons, it was found that the study subjects who had a lower level of DHA in their blood had a higher chance of turning senile.

The above are just a few of the potential beneficial effects that may be obtained from regular intake of Omega-3 fatty acids. Various researchers throughout the world are still studying into many other possible health benefits that may be derive from Omega-3 fatty acids.

Disclaimer: The above makes no claim of cure of any particular medical condition whatsoever from the use or consumption of fish oils or Omega-3 products. The intent of the facts above is for information only.


  1. Thanks to your blog I now know the omega 3 benefits. I did know they were important nutrition essential for healthy living. In case I have more queries, I will surely write to you.

  2. So happy for the benefit of omega

  3. So happy for the benefit of omega
