Sunday, May 1, 2011

T01 Forever Bee Honey


Pure Honey



Collected from hives kept in the lush, pristine wilderness of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, which is virtually undisturbed by human activities, Forever Bee Honey is certainly of the highest standard and quality. The Sonoran Desert is one of the most ideal beekeeping locations anywhere in the world, with its thousands of varieties of flowering plant and its pristine environment, where pesticides and chemicals found in agricultural fields and pollutants from the cities are virtual non-existent.

Forever Bee Honey is 100% pure “wild” top quality high-desert honey which naturally contains royal jelly and pollen, making it an outstanding nutritional product.

  • Taste 25% sweeter than sugar. Lower amount and calorie for the same level of sweetness – an excellent healthy replacement for white sugar as sweetener.

  • Increases and replenishes energy level rapidly.

  • A 100% pure, natural bee product.

  • More slowly assimilated than refined sugar and hence more effectively used by the body.

Honey is loaded with nutrients and energy
Honey is produced from the nectar in flowers. Honey bees travel from flower to flower, collecting the rich nectar, and then regurgitate it repeatedly from one bee’s stomach into another’s to mix it with their own enzymes, creating the honey which they then store in the cells of their hives.

Throughout the ages, honey has been accepted and treasured as one of the nature’s most perfect food. Since the beginning of civilization, it has been known that honey is a storehouse of nutritional goodness. It contains over 180 nutritional compounds including many important vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, enzymes, proteins and amino acids. Forever Bee Honey is 100% pure and naturally contains pollen and royal jelly, making it a most nutritious health food, loaded with nutrients and energy.

Potential Benefits of the Main Components of Honey:

  • Simple sugars (Fructose and sucrose)
    Simple sugars are easily digested by the body to give instant energy. Due to its high content of fructose, bee honey has a higher degree of sweetness for the same number of calories.

  • Vitamins
    Contains vitamins A, B Complexs, C, K and others. Vitamins are needed for various body biochemical processes and metabolic functions.

  • Minerals
    Contains a multitude of minerals which are needed for growth, maintaining healthy bones and teeth, regulating the osmosis pressure of body fluids and other functions.

  • Enzymes
    Contains invertase, diatases, lipase, glucose oxidase and phosphatase enzymes that help in the digestion process and also catalase that helps to break up hydrogen peroxide, a type of free radical that can threaten body cells.

  • Amino Acids
    Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein. They are needed for making new cells and also for repairing damaged cells.

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