Sunday, May 1, 2011

S18 Forever Pomesteen Power




What is Forever Pomesteen Power?
Forever Pomesteen Power is a proprietary blend of natural fruit juices that includes Pomegranate, pear, Mangoesteen, Raspberry, Blackbery, Blueberry and Grape seed extract. All these ingredients are near the top of the list in ORAC scores. Just one to two fluid ounces (30-60ml) of FOREVER Pomesteen Power would provide you with enough additional free radical absorbance capacity to supplement your intake of antioxidants from your normal diet.

What is unique about FOREVER Pomesteen Power?
FOREVER Pomesteen Power brings you a good mix of different antioxidants from a variety of high antioxidant fruits, mainly, ellagic acid, tannins, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, punicalagin, natural vitamin C and vitamin E. This is desirable as different antioxidants target different free radicals. FOREVER Pomesteen Power also contains other beneficial nutrients such as fibre, fructose, amino acids, potassium and copper. A pure blend of natural fruit juices that top the ORAC list makes this drink a concentrated source of antioxidants. Just an ounce or two per day is sufficient for your normal daily needs. Packed in a convenient ready-to-drink bottle, it is refreshing, nutritious and absolutely tasty!

What are antioxidants and what do they do?
As the name suggests, antioxidants are substances that blocks oxidation. Oxidation is caused by free radicals, which are molecules that unstable due to losing one of their electrons. A unstable molecule will attack another molecule to rob it of one of its electrons to replace the one it last, thus causing damage to the structure of the molecule. Some good examples of oxidation that we can easily relate to in our daily lives are the rusting of metal, freshly cut apple turning brown, and oily foods such as peanuts turning rancid.

Why should we be concerned with oxidation (or Free Radical Attacks)?
Every cell in our body is subjected to free radical attacks. Similar to the way oxidation causes metal to become rusty and flaky, free radical attacks can cause our cells to be destroyed, their genetic DNA corrupted and their structures damaged. A good analogy is to imagine what will happen to our body and organs, if they were like a piece of rusty metal weakened by oxidation.

In what manner will that affect our health?
Researchers suspect that the damage caused by the free radicals to our cells in the main culprit responsible for the progression of various chronic and degenerative diseases, including:
· Premature ageing of the skin.
· The build-up of heart disease-causing LDL cholesterol in the arteries, which is believed to be intensified by oxidation of the LDL molecules by free radicals.
· The damage of DNA structure in cells, which is believed to be associate with cell mutation and development of abnormal growths.
· Autoimmune problems such as rheumatoid arthritis whereby the body’s immune system attacks its own cells, which are made not recognizable to our own immune system due to free radical damage.
· Other degenerative diseases such as cataracts, diabetes and etc.
It is also thought that free radicals tend to speed up the wear and tear of our various organs, ligaments, joints and arteries, leading to accelerated ageing and hence gradually worsening their ability to function properly.

Where do free radicals come from? Can we avoid them?
Free radicals (oxygen radicals) can be found everywhere in the body, as they are generated by our body as a by-product of our metabolic processes, for example, when we burn calories, exercise, and even when we breathe. They also enter our body through food, alcohol and exposure to environmental sources such as cigarette smoke, chemicals, radiation, sun rays, smog et cetera. We can take steps to reduce our exposure to environmental generators of free radicals but we definitely cannot avoid exposure to free radicals altogether as they are a normal part of our living.

If we can’t avoid them, what can we do?
We can’t avoid them, but we can neutralize them with antioxidants to stop their oxidative effect from damaging our cells. We need to achieve a balance of antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals that we are exposed to. Having an adequate level of antioxidants in our body is therefore helpful for increasing our level of protection against degenerative diseases, and enhancing our well-being. Studies performed on animals have actually exhibited that higher levels of antioxidants in the body are associated with longer life spans of the laboratory animals.

Where can we get our antioxidants?
Our body has its own internal system of antioxidant enzymes to combat free radicals. Unfortunately, our antioxidant system tends to weaken as we age. It is said that generally by age 25, our body’s production of antioxidants will start to decrease compared to our generation of free radicals, hence leading to gradual mental and physical decline. Therefore, we should increase our intake of antioxidants as we get older in order to maintain our youthful balance.

During periods when there is an increased production of free radicals such as when we are under stress or when we are doing strenuous exercises, an extra boost of antioxidants is also helpful for strengthening our protection against free radical damage. Luckily for us, we can increase the antioxidant level in our body through intake of antioxidant-containing foods.

Which are the foods high in antioxidant?
Antioxidant comp0ounds are found n various food sources such as vegetables, tea whole grains, seeds, nuts and dark chocolate, but are especially rich in brightly colored fruits. Studies have shown that doubling the intake of fruits and vegetables can increase the blood level of antioxidants by between 15% and 25%. There are also epidemiological studies that strongly suggest that diets which contain antioxidant-rich plant foods provide benefits in reducing risk of poor health.

Are all antioxidants the same? Do I need different types of antioxidants?
No. There are various types of antioxidant compounds including certain vitamins, enzymes, phytochemicals, minerals and amino acids, and their actions vary in combating free radicals.
Different antioxidants target different free radicals, hence it is best that we not only consume foods with high-antioxidant properties, but we should also ensure that we select a variety of high-antioxidant foods to provide us with a variety of antioxidants.

It is also believed that eating whole plant foods or taking natural furit juices are more effective than taking extracts or antioxidant supplements arethe furtis and fruit jices in their natural form contain certain complex assortments of antioxidants that interact and increase their efficacy.

How much antioxidant do I need?
It is estimated that an average person requires about 3,000- 5units of ORAC per day in order to have a significant positevee impact on our blood antioxidant capacity.

What is ORAC?
The antioxidant strength of various foods is commonly measured by their capacity to inhibit the action of an oxidizing agent, or their oxygen radical absorbance Capacity (ORC value. The higher the ORAC value of a food, the higher is its capacity to neutralize free radicals and inhibit free radical damage.

How much vegetables or fruits do I have to eat to get the Daily 3,000-5,000 units of ORAC?
To get an average of 4,000 ORAC units per day, you may need to eat as much as 2kg of beans/carrots/apples/tomatoes; or 1.3 kg cabbage / potatoes; or 1.0 kg onion/corn; or 0.5kg oranges / broccoli. Unfortunately most of us do not consume enough fruits and vegetables everyday to provide us with the sufficient amount of antioxidants that we need. It is with this in mind that FOREVER Living Products brings you Forever Pomesteen Power.

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